Adobe cloud download can not connecting
Adobe cloud download can not connecting

Once I signed in an ran the app it crashes for the standard user.

adobe cloud download can not connecting

the program worked for the standard user till I signed in as administrator. So I tried them on a completely different machine. Something re-writes the permissions back to needing admin level. the app crashes until you make them a local administrator. No matter what voodoo you try and do, CC Cleaner, delete all apps, reinstall Adobe, etc. Signed out as admin, they signed in with their standard domain account and the CC app crashes now for "Download Error". I logged in on the machine once as admin to run the CC update, signed in as the user to the CC app and it ran and installed the updates. Eleven accounts work with the Standard User, but the one account will only run if you set them as a local administrator. I have twelve ACC accounts running and one is totally broken.

adobe cloud download can not connecting

Were did this thread go? Into the bit bucket?

Adobe cloud download can not connecting