Diablo 2 crafting
Diablo 2 crafting

diablo 2 crafting diablo 2 crafting

Generally, this means only recipes for good end game items are even attempted. Primarily because you pass through levels too quickly to get a lot of use out of them before they are surpassed by higher affixes, and so players generally prefer to wait until high enough level to craft items with the best affixes, and then maybe use some of the lower level results for leveling other characters. Most crafted items do not fulfill this role very well at all. It seems to me that the original intent was to provide another way for characters playing through the game to get rare equivalents that often are the best options for leveling players prior to the end game when you start farming for end game gear. Figure I better post it in General so there can be a greater in-depth discussion.įirst, let’s talk about crafted items in general terms. I posted this over in PTR forum but didn’t realize that responses would become impossible there.

Diablo 2 crafting